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The best ever body,
organ, hair, and
skin conditioner.

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Simple Salve contains castor oil, from cold-pressed castor seeds, and Beeswax, which holds the oil to the skin until absorbed.

Why Castor Oil and Beeswax?
Beeswax and castor oil both have antibacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-inflammatory properties.

What people are saying…

“I can’t believe how effectively the salve repairs
dry and damaged skin.”
MacArthur - Salt Lake City

“For years I have tried to heal my cracked
cuticles. Vancoction did it in one night.”
Tom - New York City

“I used the salve on my swollen knee, and slept pain
free, for the first time in a long time.”
Lou - New Jersey

“Your salve was indispensible on my climb of
Mt Kilamanjaro. It doesn’t freeze”
Alice – Baltimore

“I’ve experienced more healing in 30 seconds than
with anything else I’ve tried.”
Jennifer - Toronto