The Base of VanCoction
Our base salve is beeswax and castor oil. 100% of our wax comes from the hives of domestic honeybees, and our castor oil is cold-pressed from the seeds of castor plants. Our base salve is found in tombs of Egyptian pharaohs from more than 5,000 years ago.
VanCoction Exercises Involuntary Muscles
There are two kinds of muscles in the body. One type is voluntary-skeletal muscle. For example, typing these words, I consciously move my fingers and eyes. Talking and walking are other examples.
Involuntary muscles line our organs, and activate in response to hormonal and physical stimuli. VanCoction exercises involuntary muscles, helping them return to their youthful ways, balancing the body and cells to circulate air, fluids, and other matter in proper proportions. If the input does not equal the output, swelling occurs.
VanCoction helps distribute essential elements, and remove oxidized cellular byproducts. It reduces pain because it balances input and output, thus lessens problem swelling, whether that is acne, allergies, arthritis (it doesn’t matter what kind,) back pain, cancer, constipation, cholesterol, eczema, edema, joint pain, knee pain, plaque, skin and lip problems, sprains, wound care, and more.
We recommend the Simple Salve, made of only beeswax and castor oil, be used for everyday skin and body maintenance, as well as tired eyes, dry skin, hands and feet, wrinkles, resilient joints, and to bring about a glowing complexion and beautiful skin.
Simple salve can even be used for allergies and clearing the nasal passages and sinuses. These organs and glands have involuntary muscles. By placing a pea-sized amount on the tongue, and letting it dissolve into the roof of the mouth, it absorbs into the sinuses and mucous membranes, moving them to contract, helping clear phlegm and mucous. It slows those organs reaction to offending influences like mold, pollen, and pet dander.
WE RECOMMEND Rose Vanelle for the face and hands, as a night cream, and for relaxing the nerves, and inducing a calmer state of sleep.
This salve has a delicate smell, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t strong. The intoxicating scent is the infused vanilla and rose oil, both of which have vanilloids. With this salve, you are getting the benefits of our Simple Salve, that means tightening involuntary muscle, vanilloid benefits, and enriching the body with essential fatty acids.
Roses and vanilla, both flowering plants, have legendary tales of love entwined with their creation.
Less Swelling Reduces Pain
We feel better with active involuntary muscles. Going to the bathroom, laughter, tears of joy, an orgasm, salivating for food, getting fresh air, and the touch of sunshine all bring satisfaction. Experiencing, hearing, seeing something beautiful can take the breath away!
VanCoction helps us feel better because it stimulates involuntary muscles, balancing cellular activity.
Incredibly, VanCoction balances production of prostaglandin, a swelling hormone. “VanCoction tells the cells to return to normal functions, and stop overreacting to offensive influences.”
VanCoction Nourishes Connective Tissues
Both glutathione, our feel good detoxifier, and insulin have sulfur bonds. The human body uses sulfur to make keratin, which gives us resilient skin, joints, nails, and hair. Keratins are similar to the sulfur bonds in vulcanized rubber. The reason rubber tires don’t fly apart like rubber erasers under friction and pressure is because of disulfide (sulfur) bonds. The human body has more than 15 different kinds of keratin in the eyes, hair, joints, nails, and skin.
Sick people are often sulfur deficient people, losing the pep in their step, and their ability to bounce and rebound. The skin of people with good sulfur bonds acts like a wetsuit, without cracking or easily abrading, and they have resilient connective tissues and joints.
Our keratin based tissues form about the involuntary muscles in our bodies. VanCoction helps preserve keratin bonds, nourishing the skin with it’s essential fatty acids, and protective beeswax layer. Petroleum products like Chapstick pull fats out, making a body dependent on it. VanCoction puts the fats back in.
We recommend our PAIN FREE STUF for chronic joint pain and problem areas where dysfunction continually returns. Use continually for 30 days or more, then begin slowing use. Allergic reactions to allergens like cedar, poison ivy, and bug bites can be reduced or eliminated. It makes a great tick and mosquito deterrent.
PAIN FREE STUFF has a Simple Salve base, and it contains vanilloids that direct cells back to normal functions. The distillation of pine tar for health benefits goes back at least 2,000 years. Vanilloids are known to slow overactive immune systems. Our body has receptors for vanilloids, called TRPV receptors, and these are pain receptors. Vanilloids latch onto these receptors and turn them off, relieving pain.
Studies also show vanilloids help lengthen DNA back to original codes. Over time, cellular DNA can shorten, and cells lose their purpose. Cells can become overstressed workers, who aren't getting lunch breaks, or time off, and then begin taking shortcuts. Common diseases result from cells not following their original coding.
#PainFreeStuff #RoseVanelle #SimpleSalve