2nd Degree Burn
May 11. The skin is blistered through the epidermis. Photo is of the skin of a leg calf 3 days after getting burned by the head of a propane torch.
While using a propane torch soldering copper pipes, the torch head hit the left calf of this person. (He was wearing swim trunks. Don’t wear polyester swim trunks while working with fire.)
May 15 1 week after the accident. The wound looks a bit worse, but notice that the Pain Free Stuff is keeping the skin from developing a scab.
The torch head clearly burned through the epidermis, creating a second degree burn.
Many users of Pain Free Stuff report no scarring from burns and other wounds. Vancoction salves help tighten up involuntary muscles; Involuntary muscles keep the skin nice and taught.
With Pain Free Stuff the pain often dissipates almost instantly, making pain medicine completely unnecessary.
May 24. 13 days after the accident. Notice that the skin is pulling together very nicely.
Vancoction salves help prevent wounds from scabbing. Scabs can slow down the healing process. Notice the skin peeling off on May 13.
May 24. Sixteen days after the accident and it looks good, but the skin still has some work to do. It’s very thin.
Often with Vancoction wound care, it’s as if the distribution of melanin has gone turbo, where the area starts to turn a darker, almost tan color. Note the difference in the darkness of the skin between the June 1st and June 9th photos.
Jun 1. Notice the discoloration of the skin. It’s as if the melanocytes have gone into overdrive.
There doesn’t appear to be much of a difference between the June 1 and June 9th pics, but I think what’s happening is the underlying skin layers are continuing to heal.
Jun 9. There is still discoloration but the skin looks less angry.
I found a one week and five week photo of a chemical burn on a person’s neck. Clearly the product they are using, if any, is inferior to the Vancoction Pain Free Stuff.
Week 1 of a chemical burn on a persons neck.
Week 5 of the chemical burn. This person will definitly have a scar. They should be using Pain Free Stuff.