To stop the nasal passages and sinuses from overreacting to cedar, mold, pollen, pet dander, and even the common cold, do the following. Put a pea to lima-bean sized amount of the Simple Salve on the tongue, push to the roof of the mouth, and let it melt (It doesn't taste bad at all, it’s a neutral taste.) It will absorb through the palate, tightening up the nasal passages, and VOILA! It dumps the congestion. It helps previously traumatized cells stop their overreaction to allergens. To learn more about how this works, click USES.
Billy the Kid was miserable with allergies at Gatorfest in Anahuac, TX. Just a lipzie of simple salve cleared everything up for him overnight!
Long time skeptic and friend Barry stopped using Benadryl, Flonase and Claritin after finally trying Simple Salve for his allergies! Read about that here.
Barry holding the lipzie of Simple Salve that gave him some relief!