Big Top Spring Tx Show

Vanessa and Maria pose in front of Maria’s booth. Maria had a headache, but 15 minutes after eating a pea sized amount of the Simple Salve, her headache was gone.

Vanessa and Maria smiling after simple salve cures Maria's headache

At times both Vanessa and I miss New York City. When Keith, Erica, and daughter Dare came by, we got to live vicariously for a few minutes. On a recent trip Erica experienced “SLEEP NO MORE.” We got to talk about “Please Don’t Tell,” and plenty of other little hideaway-off-the-beaten path spots.

Keith got PAIN FREE STUFF for wrist pain.

Vanessa, Keither, Erica and daughter smiling about NYC, and after wrist pain gone

Introducing the Reaux of Sweets. Albert was manning the booth and Amber, pictured left, came by offering some samples. Albert and Amber decided to trade salve for cake, and they were both glad they did. Within minutes of using the Simple Salve Amber’s sinuses cleared up. Within minutes of Amber delivering a slice of the Blueberry Lemon cake, Albert and Vanessa knew they needed more, and they were not disappointed. All together they collected 5 pieces of the most scrumptious cakes imaginable. Cake and Salve, together again. Reaux of Sweets is the brain child of Amber’s mom, Sonya.
Reaux of Sweets!

Albert and Deon met just over a month ago in Chappell Hill at the Bluebonnet Festival. At that time Deon got PAIN FREE STUFF for some chronic pains. At the Spring, TX Big Top Show, Deon got another tin of PAIN FREE STUFF , and a Lipzie for the allergies of his little ones.

What a pleasure it was talking with Alexis. Alexis is working hard to bring up the consciousness of the human race, collecting knowledge, and sharing what he learns. He blessed us by buying salve, stating that he wanted us to return to more natural ways of living.