These pictures are not altered in any way other than cropping them. The picture of me on the left is from Key West Florida in March 2019. The picture on the right is taken after a mercury dental filling was improperly removed from my tooth. I had leaking dental fillings. Metal dental fillings contain mercury.
In the picture on the right I was using all kinds of prescribed steroids and antibiotics to address my skin problems. All of the ‘healthcare professionals’ I consulted with denied mercury could be causing my skin condition.
In the pic on the left the only thing I have on my skin is my VanCoction Simple Salve. I don’t use any other product for the well-being of my skin. I don’t wear OTC (over the counter) sunscreen. VanCoction does the job!
In this set of pictures I look like a plague victim, don’t I? Although I may be able to laugh about this now, for those suffering from perioral dermatitis it’s no laughing matter.
Vancoction salves are all made with simple anti-inflammatory ingredients. Visit our store here.
The human body is loaded with sulfur, it is the 8th most common element in the body. Magnesium sulfate, Epsom Salts, has lots of sulfur. By taking a high dose of it, the liver cleans up, and then distributes sulfur to where it’s needed the most. After an Epsom Flush, ingest a little bit of VanCoction to reduce any associated inflammation. Epsom Flush — Mercury Free Kids