Great News - Feb 2022
Early one morning at our booth in Canton, Kathy came by to tell us the Simple Salve took away a scar on her lip from a car accident. It also too out a long term pea sized blood blister.
Steve Crain from Louisiana has a little skipper key dog named Bucky. Bucky was having congestive heart failure. Bucky had been to the vet, but still had labored breathing. With a set of clippers, Steve cut back the fur around Bucky’s chest, and then applied the Simple Salve for several days. He regularly fed Bucky a pea sized amount of the Simple Salve. Now Bucky is breathing just fine.
Don does mountaineering in Montana. When we first met Don he wore a heavy duty knee brace on the outside of his pant with lots of screws and knobs needing constant adjustment. Don has been using PAIN FREE STUFF for about a year. He told us that he has only worn his knee brace 3 times in the past 8 months!
Albert Pizzutiello dislocated the knuckles in his hand. His hand swelled so much that he was planning to go to the emergency room. He had PAIN FREE STUFF in the house. He applied it to his hand a number of times. He went to bed and when he woke up, he couldn’t believe the difference. The swelling reduced immensely, and the pain greatly reduced. He now calls PAIN FREE STUFF a miracle product.
How is the Amazing Salve doing all of these things? Read more on it’s incredible metabolic actions for the human body.
The Amazing Salve
Last November, Claire first stopped by our booth at the Yamboree in Gilmer Texas. Claire reports that her face is glowing from using the Rose Vanelle, and has noticed less redness in her psoriasis, there is a significant difference in the keratosis pilaris on the back of her arms, and she has less brain fog. She says, “Awesome Product.”
Deborah reports that PAIN FREE STUFF is reducing the pain of the neuropathy in her feet.
Lea writes that the PAIN FREE STUFF is working great on her rheumatoid arthritis.
Henderson Syrup Festival
We met Lewis Ross at the Heritage Syrup Festival in Henderson TX. Lewis got PAIN FREE STUFF for his aches and pains and reports that it is helping A LOT.
Jennifer writes:
Love the product! Love the service!
Previously, I purchased the Simple Salve, loved reduced swelling, minimized pain and helped my joints to move more smoothly.
I chose this package to try the PAIN FREE STUFF , as well as re-up my Simple Salve stock.
I love the PAIN FREE STUFF , it has that little extra, stops my itchy spots, heals my cracked fingers and the scent is soothing.
But this package is perfect! it has travel and sample sizes. So I kept the larger of the Simple salve and PAIN FREE STUFF and passed on the smaller sizes to friends in need, and the rest are perfect for backpacks, purses and glove boxes.
Katie writes:
my skin has never been brighter. My skin is pretty sensitive, so it’s always reddened, but since I’ve been using this, it’s looking much better. It’s a great lip balm, cuticle Hydrator, nail Hydrator, it’s GREAT for eczema too! I have pretty bad eczema on my all over the front of my neck, and this has been the only thing I’ve tried that actually works! I’m so thankful I was in Canton that day!