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Hi, we are Albert and Vanessa Wilking.

Our brand is VanCoction, and we make whole body salves

We have some recent reports of joint pain uses and results for our PAIN FREE STUFF salve. 

The best way to use PAIN FREE STUFF is to rub it in deeply, even until it hurts.

Marilyn of Carrolton TX, who loves to crochet, writes, “For the past three days, while using PAIN FREE STUFF , the constant pain in my wrist is gone.”

Mitch Casler is no longer getting knee surgery because his pain went away. Now he can walk miles daily. After four months, Mitch is only using PAIN FREE STUFF when needed. This is a picture of Mitch and his wife Tammy.

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Steve fell off a ladder and hurt his back. The PAIN FREE STUFF replaced his tens machine.

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Kyle, who fires cannons in his free time, has pins in his wrist from an accident. For the past five years, when bending them, they made a clicking sound. After applying PAIN FREE STUFF, his wrist didn’t hurt and the sound was gone.

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Thanks everyone for your updates.

Albert and Vanessa

VanCoction - Helping People Feel Better One Salve at a time.

Vanessa Wilking