Salve on Salvvy Salvers!
Yellow Daisy Festival in Stone Mountain , GA was a blast. This eclectic gathering of creative crafters is held every year rain or shine, and quite selective - only about 300 vendors are accepted. This was the 54th annual festival!
Albert and Vanessa interacted with at least 2,000 people regarding the wonders of Vancoction salves. Some sensed the magical vibes right away and immediately wanted to know “which one should I buy for shoulder pain?” or “knee pain” or “arthritis.”
Then it was right on to the next curious cohort about how Vancoction stimulates involuntary muscle contractions, which can change your life.
Meet some of the Yellow Daisy Salvin’ Folk:
Lew had a trigger finger in his left hand where he couldn’t bend it for more than a year. With one heavy duty application of PAIN FREE STUFF his trigger finger grew bendable and flexible while standing at the booth!
Albert coaches Lewis Deitz using Vancoction for his trigger finger at the Yellow Daisy Festival.
Lew with the face of shock that it works!
Scott Stiles was stung by more than a dozen bees two days before arriving at the Vancoction booth. He was still in pain. Scott deeply rubbed Pain Free Stuff into the bee stings, saying he would walk around the Yellow Daisy Festival, and see how it worked. He took a couple of steps back to leave but then said with glee, “I’ll buy some.”
He rated the pain reduction from a 7 to a 1.
Scott gets great relief from bee stings. Stone Mountain is pictured in the distance.
Scott Stiles grinning as Vancoction PAIN FREE STUFF works on his bee stings.
During the festival Scott passed Vancoction several more times, and each time he sent his arms high in the air loudly proclaiming, “STILL WORKING!”
Kristen Ellerbee and Vanessa at the Yellow Daisy Festival
Patricia Dufina couldn’t lift her shoulder. She applied PAIN FREE STUFF to her upper arm and came back a short time later, showing us the new-found mobility of it!
Catherine Venner bought salve to take back to her homeland of Germany. Vivienne Lemesulloa soon returns to Barcelona with Vancoction.
Lori had to come back and get more of that Pain Free Stuff. She had applied it to her right knee, and since the pain subsided in her more sensitive knee, the pain in the other knee grew unbearable.
Both Kristen and Sue Wofford returned to the booth for the Pain Free Stuff after testing it for knee pain. Kristen was no longer wearing her knee band!
Barbara Greenberg with Vancoction PAIN FREE STUFF on her poison ivy.
Barbara Greenberg with Vancoction PAIN FREE STUFF on her poison ivy.
Albert and some newly Salved customers. The salve doesn’t stop working, even on a rainy day!