Smell and Taste Recovery - An Article by Albert Wilking

#SmellTasteRecovery #CoronaVirus #Inflammation #LossofSenses #SinusInfection #EpsomFlush #VanCoction #AlbertWilking

#SmellTasteRecovery #CoronaVirus #Inflammation #LossofSenses #SinusInfection #EpsomFlush #VanCoction #AlbertWilking

Swelling, or inflammation, can sometimes block the ‘normal’ input = output of receptors.  For example, the pain of a splinter and associated infection tells us something is wrong.  It simply will not let us go about our day without drawing attention to itself.  Other times receptors turn off, or are desensitized, such as when a person loses their sense of smell and taste.

 Infections of the sinuses, lungs, or other mucous membranes are chronic inflammations.  When there is inflammation, our sense of smell and taste can be greatly diminished.

 Located in the brain, the olfactory bulb, our smell-processing center, sends down into the nasal cavity, nerve-cell receptors for smelling.  About 90% of taste is associated with smell.  To test this, simply hold your nostrils closed and eat something (preferably something you like.)  Notice the loss of taste.
 I have five suggested ‘actions’ for reducing inflammation.  The reason I say they are suggested actions rather than solutions are because so often, what is of benefit to us may turn to our detriment.  I will explain.  When I eat something, what I don’t use must come out at the other end.  If it doesn’t, I will end up constipated, or my body my be storing energy in fat cells, or worse yet, I can end up with pathogens feeding on the leftovers of what I didn’t use.

 As a universal rule, for a balanced body, the input must equal the output, or we will swell in one form or another.

 In another example, when I breathe in oxygen, my cells produce CO2 (carbon dioxide) as a byproduct of respiration.  My cells and body need to be ready, willing, and able to take that carbon dioxide away, or it can cause severe damage to my bodily systems.  It may happen quickly as in a stroke, or it could happen over time, as in a long term breathing problem.  Emphysema, a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, is an inability to exhale. 

 The practices and supplements I’m about to suggest will cause the body to move toxins, and they themselves will have toxic byproducts.  It is a universal rule that the body oxidizes that which it uses to function.  Oxidation is just like rust that we see on metal.  Would an engine with lots of rust in it properly function?

 When we change the balance of our bodies, even if the current balance is problematic, there are always consequences.  Think of a person riding around in an electric scooter, in pain, partly because of their impacts with gravity.  The pain is simply caused by their bodies not being able to take away the oxidized results of their actions.  The person goes to climb a set of stairs, and is in pain from it for the next three days.  The oxygen may be coming in fast enough, but the by products of their respiration, of their energy use, is not being carried away fast enough.  The input must equal output.

 I suggest doing all five of the following, so that your body can kill the baddies, and take away the oxidized results of your actions.  Remember, input must equal output.  Often what is good for us, we then go overboard with it, and then suffer from the consequences of our actions.  Find a balance.

1. The VanCoction Simple Salve
Simultaneously, the body, cells, and organs are all contracting and swelling Almost all cells of the body make a hormone-like fatty acid called prostaglandin, and depending on the type of prostaglandin, the cell is signaled to swell or shrink.  Sometimes there is an over expression of one type of prostaglandin or another.

The olfactory mucosae make prostaglandin, and the mucosae of the nasal cavity and sinuses are part of a smooth muscle system.  Smooth muscles are located in many of our hollow organs.  Our eyes, skin, intestines, lymph tissue, cardiovascular systems, lungs, sinuses, all have smooth muscles, and smooth muscles are high in prostaglandin, and prostaglandin receptors.

Swelling of the olfactory receptors, or of the cells or cellular spaces around them, may prevent signals being received or sent that trigger our sense of smell and taste.  The castor oil in the VanCoction Simple Salve is a prostaglandin-like fatty acid.  It is so close to the structure of the prostaglandin that our body makes, that it facilitates smooth muscle contractions by latching onto the prostaglandin ‘shrink’ receptors.  This tells the body to tighten up; it tells the smooth muscles to contract.  It is an anti-inflammatory of the highest order.  By simply rubbing it in and around the face, chest, wherever there is inflammation, the body will absorb it right through the skin, and put it to work.

I also suggest eating a small amount of it, about the size of a pea.  Put it to the roof of your mouth, and let it absorb up into the nasal cavity.  Once again, the lungs and sinuses are hollow organs, and hollow organs are lined with smooth muscle.  Mucous membranes are also part of that smooth muscle.  The salve will tell them to contract, and usually within about 15 minutes, mucous will begin coming down the back of the throat as the membranes dump their ‘junk.’  Keep it in the roof of your mouth as long as you can. 

 The Simple Salve is also antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral.  Order VanCoction Products by clicking here.

2. Taurine
One of the reasons for a swelling habit may be an autoimmune response to an offending influence. 

 In this example, let’s say the cells of the mucous membranes encounter a virus.  The body did and does the right thing by sending in white blood cells to kill the virus.  White blood cells make a number of toxins, and one of them is HOCL, hypochloric acid.  These toxins kill infections.  However, the body needs to clean up the residual of the HOCL, or it will begin to damage it’s own tissues, and damage to tissues causes swelling.  With swelling and oxidative damage, the cells of those tissues may not properly work. This in turn causes the body to see those byproducts as invaders, baddies, because they are causing the oxidative damage and inflammation.  In this example, what was good becomes bad.

 An analogy is one of firefighters going to a house because they keep getting a call that there is an emergency.  Let’s say a smoke detector keeps going off, and the body has been trained, that whenever/wherever there is smoke, there is fire; call the fire department.

 The firefighters go to the house and are told the kitchen stove is on fire.  They spray chemicals from a fire extinguisher onto the stove, which puts the fire out, or stops the smoke problem.  The firefighters leave.  The person/thing/whatever, goes to use the stove once again, and once again the stove starts to smoke and sets off the fire alarm.  This keeps happening repeatedly, where the firefighters are called out, and they spray their stuff, and rather than the problem getting better, it gets worse and worse. What has happened is the firefighters preventative measures become the problem; they spray the stove with chemicals, but no one cleans up the mess. 

 At the sites of inflammations, taurine is known to react with and detoxify HOCL.  It binds with the CL, creating TauCL.
You may never have heard of taurine, and that may be because it is not a protein building amino acid.  It is however, the most abundant free amino acid in humans, helping the body maintain balances at the membrane and cellular level.  It helps the cells move needed essentials and oxidized byproducts in and out of the cells, helping them to remain balanced.

 Considering the high taurine content in the adult olfactory bulb, it is likely that taurine is an important factor for neurogenesis.  Neurogenesis is the production of nerve tissues, and if the olfactory nerves have been damaged, for any reason, taurine may help with their regrowth.

Body builders commonly supplement with taurine because it quickly takes away the oxidized byproducts of metabolites and cells.

 I suggest getting 500mg capsules of Taurine.  Open one, put a little of it in the mouth, and swish it around with your saliva.  See how it feels.  What does your intuition tell you?  Go slowly.

3. Thiamine – Vitamin B1
Thiamine is the first discovered ‘vitamin,’ and the definition of vitamin, which is attributed to thiamine, means vital to life.  “Thiamine is required for metabolism including that of glucose, amino acids, and lipids.”

 Our bodies do not make thiamine.  When we don’t have enough thiamine, our cells begin to starve of oxygen, and the most dangerous and sensitive place where this happens is the motor movement and switching networks of our brain. 
In studies, the cells and nerves of the olfactory-bulb of mice die when they are starved of thiamine.

Alcohol and caffeine destroy thiamine.
I recommend a B multi-vitamin.

4. Epsom Salts
Epsom salts is magnesium sulfate.  In Epsom salts, the element sulfur is attached to magnesium and oxygen.  Sulfur is the eight most common element in the human body, and magnesium is the eleventh most common element.  There is about three times the amount of sulfur in the body as there is magnesium.

 Taurine and thiamine, both have sulfur in them.  Many cells lining our smooth muscles have sulfur, and the human body has what are called sulfur detox pathways.  However, the input must equal the output, and from our good actions we will have oxidized byproducts.  The body needs somewhere to send the oxidized, leftover sulfur.  By ingesting magnesium sulfate, enough to get diarrhea, the liver cleans out toxins and other oxidized elements.  When the liver begins to clean out in this way, the rest of the body can safely redistribute toxins because the liver will be open for business to receive them.  The liver cleans out the sulfur detox pathways, in the way the body was designed to do it.

 By ingesting Epsom salts, the body reduces inflammation at the central processing center; the liver.  The liver is responsible for much of the balancing of the body; not the conscious brain.  Much of what we do to our bodies is ego based.  What the liver does to the body is exactly what the body needs, in the exact amounts it needs.  For more details please read

5. Breathing Exercises
We take on average about 17,000 breaths a day.  The cells of our bodies can start taking this constant source of oxygen for granted, where the oxygen is always there, and they don’t have to step up their game.  By making the cells pick up the efficiency of their respiration, they begin to function more efficiently.  The body begins to raise the PH of it’s own internal environment.
For example, with our cells in a sugar based, high acidic environment, our body can begin using alternative sources like the breakdown of sugars, glycolysis, for energy.  We can end up with an abnormally low PH, or an acidic body, and many bad bacteria and viruses thrive in acidic, low PH environments.
As a strict habit, I do not get out of bed in the morning until I have done at least 20 minutes of Wim Hof breathing.  It gets the cells using oxygen, and in turn raises the PH of the body.

 If you are getting regular exercise, that may be enough for you.  For those having difficulty exercising, or have trouble recovering from it, I see no reason not to do Wim Hof breathing exercises.

Written by

Albert Wilking

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