Why are Vancoction Salves so effective against Acne and Skin Inflammation?
Hi my name is Therese and I am a passionate Vancoction nerd! I’ve had skin issues most of my life but my acne got out control after haywire postpartum hormones and a bad bout of Covid. I was exhausted and depressed, but I needed to do something so I committed to using Vancoction and saw dramatic results! I joined the company, then went into nerd mode and started researching why this simple solution had such a profound effect on my skin!
Before Vancoction
My skin at Rock bottom. i decided i would commit to usiNg vancoction, i had tried everything else and it only got worse
After Vancoction
About 4 weEks with Consistent SALVING~ siMple salve during the day and PAIN FREE STUFF at night. This picture has no filter and i’M not wearing any maKeup!