Why are Vancoction Salves so effective against Acne and Skin Inflammation?

Hi my name is Therese and I am a passionate Vancoction nerd! I’ve had skin issues most of my life but my acne got out control after haywire postpartum hormones and a bad bout of Covid. I was exhausted and depressed, but I needed to do something so I committed to using Vancoction and saw dramatic results! I joined the company, then went into nerd mode and started researching why this simple solution had such a profound effect on my skin!

Before Vancoction

My skin at Rock bottom. i decided i would commit to usiNg vancoction, i had tried everything else and it only got worse

After Vancoction

About 4 weEks with Consistent SALVING~ siMple salve during the day and PAIN FREE STUFF at night. This picture has no filter and i’M not wearing any maKeup!

Why do Vancoction salves work so well for me and others?

The ricinoleic acid (RA) in castor oil exerts multiple modes of action in the body, and on the skin. We know that castor oil causes specific receptor-induced muscle contractions, which lead to better lymph circulation and therefore less inflammation. Ricinoleic acid is also known to latch onto EP3 receptor sites, which produce the swelling hormone prostaglandin. By turning off the production of prostaglandin, swelling is reduced, the body can then release inflammation and tension.

RA stimulates involuntary muscle contractions. Involuntary muscle contractions return bodily systems to normal sizes and actions. Rather than having lazy/traumatized cellular muscles that don’t respond to normal stimuli, RA stimulates the cells so they work together, moving bodily fluids in unison, away from inflamed areas, putting them back in synchronization.

Cator oil and beeswax are both antibacterial, anti-fungal, and antiviral. They are especially good at killing gram-positive bacteria, the bad bacteria like staph, and the ones that create acne. However, an added bonus is the conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) produced by castor oil.

Lactobacillus bacteria convert the RA in castor oil into a health promoting fatty acid - conjugated linoleic acid, or CLA.
There are various health benefits of CLA. Research has shown anti-cancer, anti-obesity, anti-diabetic, and anti-inflammatory properties as well as having immunomodulating effects, ameliorating allergies and autoimmunity. But CLA has also shown potent healing for skin diseases. In a study of chronic skin inflammation, CLA was found to offer protection against skin lesions through inhibiting inflammatory molecules.
CLA is a well prized isolate in the supplement world, while castor oil just casually helps create it as a side hustle. What a golden example of microscopic alchemy!

Vancoction’s Pain Free Stuff and Rose Vanelle both contain vanilloids. Studies show that vanilloids, with regular use, tell cells to return to healthy reproduction of cells, and to stop making new cells that are dysfunctional with shortened DNA that don’t transcribe their full genetic script. For instance, sebaceous glands of the skin may no longer tighten up their involuntary muscles, incapable of moving sebum and oils away, letting the waste fester, and allowing bad bacteria to grow. But Vanilloids bring in new staff, new cells of the body, that aren’t following the bad habits of the long time workers. Any cells that were incapable of contracting are now replaced with cells that work hard.

In cases of severe inflammatory acne, these are some of the reasons why Simple Salve, PAIN FREE STUFF and Rose Vanelle have helped salvers who are reporting dramatic skin healing from acne, lesions and scarring!

Dwesh,Haneen Abdul Wahid, Plant Archives. 2021 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/349181692_STUDY_OF_THE_BIOLOGICAL_ACTIVITY_OF_CASTOR_OIL_EXTRACT_AND_ITS_SYNTHESIZED_AMIDES_ON_BACTERIA
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